Friday, January 23, 2015

Whole House Water Purification - Time to Think Seriously
House Water Purification
With all of the contamination that can be found in our drinking water I think that it is time for you to think seriously about a whole house water purification system. Whole house water purifiers could be just the thing that you need in order to protect the health of both you and your family.

The main reason that many people choose whole house water purification is that it is a simpler system to maintain. Having only one filter to replace is a relief to a great many people as opposed to having to remember a whole group of them, and this kind of system works out to be a whole lot cheaper too.

Although the replacement filters look expensive from the outside you have to remember that the average point of use filter only has a lifespan of 500 gallons. The filters for whole house water purifiers have a lifespan of 300,000 gallons. Those multiple filter changes for the smaller units will add up to at least as much if not more in the long run.

When seeking out whole house water purification systems you have to remember that not all of them are of the same quality as far as performance. They also vary quite a bit in price ranging anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000. The more expensive that a unit is does not always mean that it is automatically better.

The $6000 whole house water purifiers that I mentioned are no better than the model that goes for $1,000. The reason that the company charges so much for that model is because it contains "magical" Japanese rocks that somehow enhance the quality of your drinking water.

Of course there is absolutely no scientific evidence to back up the claims that these rocks in the whole house water purification system do anything to enhance your drinking experience at all, but some gullible people buy into that kind of mysticism. You just have to be careful that you do not become the victim of this kind of imaginative sales job.

You also have to be careful to buy whole house water purifiers that are marked as UL or NSF certified. Some will be marked as WQA certified, but the Trade Group that issues those certifications allows their members to claim certification without full compliance to industry standards. WQA products should be avoided.

What you want to look for is a reasonably priced whole house water purification system that is certified by the correct agencies. You want this unit to remove 99% of the chlorine in your water, and go at least as far down as 5 microns when filtering particles. That will allow for the most protection.

Now if you are using whole house water purifiers in a home where you have someone who has a poor immune system due to chemotherapy treatments, or who has AIDS, you may want to include a countertop filter that goes down to one micron to protect them from parasitic cysts that may be present in the water. otherwise a whole house water purification system should be all that you need.

By Judith Pratt
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