To light the torch, strike a match, hold it near the nozzle and turn the valve slightly clockwise. When the torch lights, gradually open the valve further until the flame becomes large enough to heat the area you will work on. Do not open the valve all the way: the flame will not get much larger and the gas pressure will probably blow it out.
It is necessary to hold the torch assembly upright while you are working. If the tank is tilted very much, the liquid inside will flow into the valve, blocking it so that the flame goes out.
The propane torch is easy and safe to use if it is handled properly. Caution is necessary, however, because the joints to be sweated with the flame are generally located near flammable parts of a house structure. It can't be stressed enough that you really need to be careful when using a torch, since it is one of the most dangerous tools you will ever use in plumbing projects.
Before starting to work, cover the area behind piping with squares of asbestos sheeting. And make a habit of shutting off the torch whenever you set it aside, even if only for a moment or two--the flame is silent, nearly invisible and easy to forget about.
By Paul R Turner
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