Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Keen and Green Benefits of Water Tanks
You know when you buy a rain water tank you basically become a farmer, farming the skies and farming them for free.

It's kind of cool to think that you can be living in any major city and still be so in touch with the cycles of nature and in tune with your environment.

Water is already in short supply in many parts of the world and the situation is set to worsen substantially in future years. Water tanks are the simplest solution to a potentially disastrous problem.

Buying a water tank has to be one of the smartest things you will ever do. It is a great decision on so many levels.

Good quality tanks will last more than a decade so that's over 10 years of savings and 10 years of convenience that you'll enjoy with your tank ownership. And its also ten years of service to your local environment.

It's very accurate to say that the monetary savings are just a part of the good that you are doing with your purchase.

Talk about the ultimate win / win scenario. You benefit, your local economy benefits and the planet will thank you as well.

Most people over grossly estimate the worlds available reserves of fresh water and while they are doing that, we are flushing away millions of litres of the precious liquid needlessly.

Just for a moment stop and think about how often you use your water. Then try to imagine your life without it.

How much water will you use this week? Let's see - there's drinking of course and also bathing but what about cleaning your home, cleaning your car, watering your garden, washing your dishes, washing your clothes. Most people would struggle to go without water for a few hours let alone a day.

But don't just save water to save money. Save water because to not do so is hugely irresponsible.

We're so used to having an easy water supply in western civilization that we seldom think about the cost of providing that service. The costs are in the construction as well as the maintenance of dams, filtration and pipes. At every step along the way there are costs.

We all agree that we could use more dams and greater catchments but dams are expensive and take time to build. And again the cost of a new dam is onerous but so is its ongoing maintenance.

As cities sprawl ever outwards the cost of distributing water to them rises sharply the farther they are from the water source. We can all make a difference in the water supply equation.

Looking at it simply we have just 2 choices - save water or create more water. In reality we should do both and a water tank is the easiest way to create more available water.

The great news is that the cost of water tanks has fallen and their quality has risen. That means they are affordable to the majority of families, especially given the lucrative government rebates that exist.

Few discretionary purchases can do so much long term good for your family and the environment as the purchase of a tank. Compare it to buying a car. You buy the car then you must register it, insure it, put petrol and oil in it, wash it and maintain its many parts such as tyres, transmission and exhaust system. Buy a rain water tank however and money starts flowing back to you not away from you. I hope you'll be a pioneer and encourage your local community to foster tank ownership by every possible family.

There is something very satisfying indeed about gathering enough of your own water to become self sufficient and sustainable in that area.

So you now know the arguments and reasons to invest in your very own water tank but the question is will you act on that knowledge?

By Andrew Blachut 
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