Saturday, November 29, 2014

Shower Head Water Filter - 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Bathe Without a Shower Filter

Investing in a shower head water filter may be the best thing you can do to protect your health.  Most people think that drinking contaminated water is bad- but showering in it is WAY worse!  Here's 5 big reasons why you should never EVER think of showering without a shower head water filter again.

Reason #1. A warm shower opens the pores of your skin and easily allows absorption of water and the contaminants it contains.  In fact, did you know that during a 10-minute shower, your body will take on 10 to 50 times the level of water-borne chemicals than from drinking a gallon of the same water?  A shower head water filter will not allow these contaminants to get through!

Reason #2. The steam that you inhale while showering is WAY more concentrated with contaminants than the water itself.  Chlorine and virtually every kind of synthetic chemical have very low boiling points, so they vaporize much faster than water does.  While 96% of all the water that comes out of your shower head goes down the drain, nearly all of the chemicals vaporize into the air we breathe- even before the water hits the ground.

Reason #3. Chlorine, the most concentrated chemical found in tap water, and is a huge irritant of the skin and hair.  If you've ever been in a swimming pool, then you know how chlorine dries out your skin and hair.  And you know what's shocking about our public water systems?  The limit as to how much chlorine can be use to disinfect public water is more than what a standard pool kit recommends!  The best shower head water filter will remove more than 99% of all chlorine.

Reason #4. Inhalation of chlorine and other contaminants sends them STRAIGHT to your bloodstream and have magnified adverse effects.  Inhalation of these contaminants means that the liver and kidneys don't even get a chance to filter them out.  A shower head water filter can prevent this from happening.

Reason #5. Chlorine exposure has been said to be a major cause of cancer, and 2/3 of all our exposure of chlorine comes from inhalation while showering.  Before we started using synthetic chemicals and chlorine as a disinfectant in public tap supplies, 1 out of every 50 people had cancer.  Today, 1 in 3 people (1 in 2 males) have cancer at some point in their lifetime.  Plus, women with breast cancer have been found to have 50%-60% more chlorine byproducts in their fat tissue than women without breast cancer.

So there you have it.  With a shower head water filter, you'll never have to worry about inhaling or absorbing any of these harmful contaminants again.  Getting a shower head water filter doesn't have to be expensive either.  In fact, the one we use in our home only costs us around 23 cents a day for all of us to use!  Even though you can't put a price on health, that's a price I'm sure willing to pay!

By J. P. Michaels
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