Wednesday, November 26, 2014

6 Secrets How To Save On Your Water Bill
Are you struggling to pay off your debt and mortgage? Do you have too many expenses? Ever wished that you have extra cash available? If you like to save money, especially on your water bill, then here are 6 secrets how to save a lot of money on your water bill!

1. Make sure all your taps are working

Dripping or taps that don't function well can leak a lot of water. In fact, leaking taps can potentially cost you an extra ten to twenty per cent on your bill. Therefore, you should make sure you check all your taps are working in good order.

2. Turn off the water mains when not using water

Even if you are careful and made sure that you have turned all the taps off in your house, you can still be leaking water. For instance, there can be a leak underneath your house that you cannot see. Therefore to stop any potential waste of water, you should turn off the water mains to be one per cent sure.

3. Water your garden at night time

Watering your garden at night time can save you a lot of money. This is because at night time, water does not evaporate and be wasted when watering the garden during the day time. Water also tends to absorb better in the soil during the night time, which makes you use less water.

4. Plant lots of trees and plants around your house

During the summer time, people tend to use evaporative air conditioners which use a lot of water. If you plant lots of trees and plants around your house, you will make your house more cool and comfortable than without. This can save you hundreds of dollars on your water bill and also your electricity bill.

5. Install a rainwater tank

Rain is some places of the country is plentiful and free. Therefore it is a waste if you let this free water drain away. Hence, installing a rainwater tank can store hundreds of gallons of free water in which you can use for cleaning, showering or watering your garden.

6. Have 10 minute showers

Showers wastes the most amount of water than any activity in the house. Hundreds of gallons of water is wasted every day by having a shower. Therefore, it is only necessary to have a shower that lasts for only 10 minutes in which you can clean your body with.

By Lam Bong
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