Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How pure is distilled water depends on why you are asking. For industrial applications, it's perfect. For drinking, a distilled pure water solution is not the right choice.

Distillation is the oldest purification technology around. It has been in use for thousands of years, although the original application was for increasing the alcohol content of beverages.

It became popular with apothecaries, because they realized that particles in groundwater could affect the performance of their herbal remedies. It is still used by pharmaceutical companies for the same reason.

In case you are wondering; how pure is distilled water and you are shopping for a home purification device, let me explain the drawbacks.

Drawbacks of Distilled Water - What Are They?

First of all, the systems are expensive to purchase. If they were highly effective, that wouldn't be a problem, but this cannot be considered a pure water solution for drinking purposes.

Anything gaseous, or with a boiling point lower than water, would remain in the final cooling chamber. You would have to fill the pot from your tap, which is tap consuming and exposure to things like THMs (a water hazard) could occur while you are filling the pot.

After every use, the boiling pot must be cleaned, as a residue remains that contains all of the contaminants that were removed. So, while you are cleaning, you may be exposed to more health hazards.

The compounds used to clean the pot must be carefully selected or you won't have any pure water solution, at all. How pure is distilled water, anyway? If either pot is not properly cleaned, there will be no purity, at all.

More Distilled Water Problems - How Are You Affected?

Another problem with this kind of pure water solution is this; minerals and electrolyte ions are removed. Electrolytes are needed to maintain proper homeostasis or hydration. A lack of minerals can increase your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and other chronic and life threatening health conditions.

The answer to how pure is distilled water for an industrial application was "perfect". That's because they need waters that are more resistant to electrical charges. Minerals present in the waters increase its ability to "conduct" or carry an electrical charge.

An ultra pure water solution is even available for industries that need it. This ultra pure water solution may be run through two distillers or it may be deionized. By removing metallic and mineral ions, they have something that is "perfect" for their needs.

Distilled Water - Is It for Drinking?

It is not, however perfect for drinking. It doesn't taste good. It's not good for your health and the primary contaminants that you want to remove may still be present. If purchasing bottled, the compounds used to create the bottle are a source of contamination.

Even if you were looking for something for the fish tank, you would need to "re-mineralize" these waters, because fish and aquatic life need minerals to survive. But, they can be killed by chlorine and chemical contaminants in tap-water.

Those same contaminants decrease our chances of having a long healthy life. So, how pure is distilled water, again? For biological life forms like people and fish, it's simply not pure enough. My research revealed that a multi-block water filter system is a better and healthier pure water solution.

By Larry L. Taylor 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1410377


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